Parking Requirements

Oklahoma City Parking Requirements

Agricultural Processing: GeneralDirector approval
Agricultural Processing: LimitedDirector approval
Animal Raising: CommercialDirector approval
Animal Raising: Commercial FeedlotsDirector approval
Animal Raising: PersonalDirector approval
Animal Waste ProcessingDirector approval
HorticultureFor Building Area (Excluding Greenhouse): See Table 10600.2 I
Retail + Greenhouse See Table 10600.2 IV, Warehouse
Row and Field CropsDirector approval
Congregate Care Housing and Convalescent Homes1/3 beds + 1/300 sf of administrative area
Group Residential1/2 occupants
Live/Work Units1/du
Low Impact Institutional: Residential-Oriented2/du + garage
Manufactured Home Residential2/du
Manufactured (Mobile) Home Residential2/du
Multiple-Family Residential Per Efficiency and One Bedroom Unit1.5/du
Multiple-Family Residential Per Two or More Bedroom Unit2/du
Senior Independent Living0.5/du
Single-Family Residential2/du + garage
Three- and Four-Family Residential2/du
Two-Family Residential2/du + garage
  Golf Courses5/green
  Clubhouses1/100 sf GFA
  Swim Centers1/150 sf of pool area
  Game Courts: Tennis, Squash, Racquetball, Handball5/court
  Playgrounds, Playfields, Marina, Boat Dock, Public ParksDirector approval
  Clubhouses1/300 sf GFA
  Swimming Pools1/300 sf of pool area
  Game Courts: Tennis, Squash, Racquetball, Handball2/court
  PlaygroundsDirector Approval
  Golf Courses5/green + 1/200 sf GFA of public building area
  Swim Centers1/150 sf of pool area
  Game Courts: Tennis, Squash, Racquetball, Handball5/court
  Playgrounds, Playfields, Public ParksDirector approval
Cultural Exhibits1/400 sf GFA
Domestic Violence SheltersDirector approval
Emergency Shelters and Feeding SitesDirector approval
Forced Detention or Correction Facilities1/2 employees + 1/25 inmates
Heavy Public Protection and UtilityDirector approval
  General Colleges and Universities1/4 classroom seats
  Hospitals and Sanitariums2/bed + 1/500 sf GFA of emergency room and outpatient care (where such care is specifically provided)
  Libraries1/400 sf GFA
  Community Centers1/300 sf GFA
Light Public Protection and Utility: GeneralDirector Approval
Light Public Protection and Utility: RestrictedDirector Approval
  Kindergarten and Elementary Schools1/10 classroom seats
  Churches, Temples, Synagogues1/4 seats in chapel
  Junior High Schools1/10 classroom seats
  High Schools1/4 classroom seats
  Vocational Schools1/2 classroom seats
Residential Facilities for Dependent and Neglected Children1/4 beds
Residential Facilities for Drug or Alcohol Treatment Centers1/3 beds
Transitional Mental Health Residential Facilities1/3 beds
Administrative and Professional OfficesSee Table 10600.2 II, Office
Adult Day Care Facilities1/employee
Adult Entertainment Uses5/1,000 sf
Agricultural Supplies and ServicesSee Table 10600.2 I, Retail
Alcoholic Beverage Retail SalesSee Table 10600.2 I, Retail
Animal Interment Services2 + 1/2 employees
Animal Sales and Services: AuctioningSee Table 10600.2 I, Retail
Animal Sales and Services: GroomingSee Table 10600.2 I, Retail
Animal Sales and Services: Horse Stables1/2 stalls
Animal Sales and Services: Kennels and Veterinary, GeneralSee Table 10600.2 I, Retail
Animal Sales and Services: Kennels and Veterinary, RestrictedSee Table 10600.2 I, Retail
Automotive and Equipment: Cleaning and Repairs, Light Equipment1/500 sf GFA; 5 spaces minimum
Automotive and Equipment: Heavy Repairs, Heavy Equipment1/500 sf GFA
Automotive Auction1/5,000 sf of sales area
Automotive and Equipment: Automobile Dealerships and Malls
Automotive and Equipment: Automobile Dealerships and Malls: For showroom/office area3/1,000 sf of sales area
Automotive and Equipment: Automobile Dealerships and Malls: For outside lot1/5,000 sf of sales area
Automotive and Equipment: Automobile Dealerships and Malls: For service area and body shop1/500 sf of service and/or shop area
Automotive and Equipment: Sales and Rentals, Farm and Heavy Equipment: For showroom area3/1,000 sf of sales area
Automotive and Equipment: Sales and Rentals, Farm and Heavy Equipment: For outside lot1/5,000 sf of sales area
Automotive and Equipment: Sales and Rentals, Farm and Heavy Equipment: For service area and body shop1/500 sf of service and/or shop area
Automotive and Equipment: Sales and Rentals, Manufacture (Mobile) Homes and Recreational Vehicles: For showroom area3/1,000 sf of sales area
Automotive and Equipment: Sales and Rentals, Manufacture (Mobile) Homes and Recreational Vehicles: For outside lot1/5,000 sf of sales area
Automotive and Equipment: Sales and Rentals, Manufacture (Mobile) Homes and Recreational Vehicles: For service area and body shop1/500 sf of service and/or shop area
Automotive and Equipment: Storage2 + 1/employee
Bingo Parlors1/100 sf of GFA
Building Maintenance ServicesSee Table 10600.2 I, Retail
Business Support ServicesSee Table 10600.2 II, Office
Child Care Centers1/10 children enrolled + 1/20 children enrolled for queuing (loading and unloading); 2 queuing spaces minimum
Commercial Blood Centers1/300 sf
Construction Sales and Services: For showroom areaSee Table 10600.2 I, Retail
Construction Sales and Services: For outside lotSee Table 10600.2 IV, Warehousing (substitute lot area for GFA)
Convenience Sales and Personal ServicesSee Table 10600.2 I, Retail
Drinking Establishments: Sitdown, Alcohol Permitted1/100 sf GFA + with dancing: 1 additional space, with live music: Director approval
Eating Establishments: Drive-In1/100 sq. ft., provided however that cold storage area shall not be included in the computation of GFA for parking purposes
Eating Establishments: Fast Food1/50 sf, provided however that cold storage area shall not be included in the computation of GFA for parking purposes
Eating Establishments: Fast Food, With Drive-Through Order Windows1/85 sf, provided however that cold storage area shall not be included in the computation of GFA for parking purposes
Eating Establishments: Sitdown, Alcohol Not Permitted1/100 sf GFA
Eating Establishments: Sitdown, Alcohol Permitted1/100 sf GFA + with dancing: 1 additional space, with live music: director approval
Eating Establishments: Sitdown, Limited Alcohol Permitted1/100 sf GFA
Family Day Care HomesNone required
Food and Beverage Retail SalesSee Table 10600.2 I, Retail
Funeral and Interment Services: Cremating1/4 chapel seats + 1/1 employees
Funeral and Interment Services: Interring1/4 chapel seats + 1/1 employees
Funeral and Interment Services: UndertakingSee Table 10600.2 II, Office
Gasoline Sales, LargeFor Building Area: See Table 10600.2 I, Retail
Gasoline Sales, Small: RestrictedFor Building Area: See Table 10600.2 I, Retail
Gasoline Sales: Truck Stops1/200 sf of building area
Laundry ServicesSee Table 10600.2 I, Retail
Lodging Accommodations: Bed and Breakfast2/du + 1/guestroom
Lodging Accommodations: Campgrounds1/2 spaces
Lodging Accommodations: Commercial Lodging1/rental + required parking for other uses
Medical Services: GeneralSee Table 10600.2 I, Retail
Medical Services: RestrictedSee Table 10600.2 II, Office
  Bowling Alleys5/lane
  Billiard ParlorsSee Table 10600.2 I, Retail
  Dance halls1/50 sf of club area and 1/100 sf of remaining GFA
  Gymnasiums, Health ClubsSee Table 10600.2 I, Retail
  Skating Rinks1/300 sf
  ArcadesSee Table 10600.2 I, Retail
  Theaters1/4 seats
  Driving Ranges1/2 driving stations
  Miniature Golf2/3 holes
  Go-Cart Tracks1/60 sf of waiting area
  Drive-in Theaters6 spaces minimum, plus adequate viewing spaces
  Amusement ParksDirector Approval
Payday or Title Loan AgenciesSee Table 10600.2 II, Office
Personal Services: GeneralSee Table 10600.2 II, Office
Personal Services: RestrictedSee Table 10600.2 II, Office
Personal Storage1/5,000 sf of all buildings (including office)
Repair Services: ConsumerSee Table 10600.2 I, Retail
Research Services: RestrictedSee Table 10600.2 II, Office
Retail Sales and Services: GeneralSee Table 10600.2 I, Retail
Retail Sales and Services: Outdoor Swap Meets1/500 sf of vendor area
Retail Sales and Services: Pawn ShopsSee Table 10600.2 I, Retail
Spectator Sports and Entertainment: GeneralDirector approval
Spectator Sports and Entertainment: High ImpactDirector approval
Spectator Sports and Entertainment: RestrictedDirector approval
Aboveground Flammable Liquid Storage: GeneralDirector approval
Aboveground Flammable Liquid Storage: RestrictedDirector approval
Custom ManufacturingSee Table 10600.2 III, Manufacturing and Industrial
Hazardous IndustrialSee Table 10600.2 III, Manufacturing and Industrial
Hazardous Waste Disposal1/employee
Industrial, HeavySee Table 10600.2 III, Manufacturing and Industrial
Industrial, ModerateSee Table 10600.2 III, Manufacturing and Industrial
Industrial, LightSee Table 10600.2 III, Manufacturing and Industrial
Research and DevelopmentSee Table 10600.2 II, Office
Recycling Collection and Processing FacilitiesSee Table 10600.2 III, Manufacturing and Industrial
Sanitary Landfills1/employee
Scrap OperationsDirector Approval
StockyardsDirector Approval
Wholesaling, Storage and Distribution: GeneralSee Table 10600.2 IV, Warehousing (substitute total site area for GFA)
Wholesaling, Storage and Distribution: RestrictedSee Table 10600.2 IV, Warehousing
Railroad Facilities: Refuse, Biomedical Waste and Hazardous WasteDirector approval
Transportation Facilities: AircraftDirector approval
Transportation Facilities: Surface, PassengerDirector approval
Transportation Facilities: Surface, RestrictedSee Table 10600.2 IV, Warehouse
Transportation Facilities: Surface GeneralSee Table 10600.2 IV, Warehouse
Mining and Processing: Mineral and Raw MaterialsDirector approval
Mining and Processing: Oil and GasDirector approval
Underground Injection Wells: Disposal WellsDirector approval
Underground Injection Wells: Enhanced Recovery Injection WellsDirector approval

Article X. Off-Street Parking, Loading And Access - 59-10600. Off-street parking requirements


Use Category Parking Requirement
RETAIL: For the first 12,000 sf GLA1 space/200 sf GLA
RETAIL: From 12,001 to 48,000 sf GLA1 space/225 sf GLA
RETAIL: From 48,001 to 120,000 sf GLA1 space/300 sf GLA
RETAIL: Over 120,001 sf GLA1 space/325 sf GLA
OFFICE: For the first 8,000 sf GLA1 space/200 sf GLA
OFFICE: From 8,001 to 12,000 sf GLA1 space/250 sf GLA
OFFICE: From 12,001 to 48,000 sf GLA1 space/300 sf GLA
OFFICE: Over 48,000 sf GLA1 space/350 sf GLA
MANUFACTURING AND INDUSTRIAL: For the first 20,000 sf GFA1 space/500 sf GFA
MANUFACTURING AND INDUSTRIAL: Over 20,000 sf GFA1 space/1,000 sf GFA
WAREHOUSING: For the first 20,000 sf GFA1 space/1,000 sf GFA
WAREHOUSING: Over 20,000 sf GFA1 space/5,000 sf GFA

Article X. Off-Street Parking, Loading And Access 59-10600. Off-street parking requirements

The parking requirements shown here are the typical required parking standards for Oklahoma City.  Variance or exclusions to the parking count requirements could be allowed by the code for a specific project.  Oklahoma City parking requirements are for general information.  Oklahoma City standard parking requirements for an area can be modified by zoning overlays or other Oklahoma City parking code requirements specific to each project.