New Orleans Parking Requirements
Adult Use | 1 per 300sf GFA | Over 10,000sf GFA: 1 per 2,500sf GFA | |
Airport | 1 per 100sf GFA of terminal building | ||
Amusement Facility, Indoor | 1 per 300sf GFA | Over 10,000sf GFA: 1 per 2,500sf GFA | |
Bowling Alley | 2 per lane | Over 10,000sf GFA: 1 per 2,500sf GFA | |
Movie Theater | 1 per 4 seats for first 400 seats + 1 per 6 seats after first 400 | Over 10,000sf GFA: 1 per 2,500sf GFA | |
Pool Hall | 2 per table | Over 10,000sf GFA: 1 per 2,500sf GFA | |
Amusement Facility, Outdoor | 1 per 300sf GFA (including all outdoor areas) | Over 10,000sf GFA: 1 per 2,500sf GFA | |
Animal Hospital | 1 per exam room | Over 10,000sf GFA: 1 per 2,500sf GFA | 0.25 |
Arena | 1 per 200sf GFA | 1 per 5,000sf GFA | 0.25 |
Art Gallery | 1 per 500sf GFA | Over 10,000sf GFA: 1 per 2,500sf GFA | |
Artist Community | 1 per dwelling/sleeping space + 1 per 100sf of exhibition or performance space GFA | 1 per 5 dwelling/sleeping spaces | 0.8 |
Arts Studio | 1 per 500sf | Over 10,000sf GFA: 1 per 2,500sf GFA | |
Auditorium (Only applicable when Auditorium is principle use) | 1 per 200sf GFA | 1 per 5,000sf GFA | 0.25 |
Bar | 1 per 500sf GFA | Over 10,000sf GFA: 1 per 2,500sf GFA | |
Bed and Breakfast | 1 space + 1 per 2 guestrooms (for 3 guestrooms and above) | 1 per 5 rooms | 0.25 |
Boat Launch | 2 per launch | 1 per 2 launches | |
Brewery | 1 per 1,000sf GFA +1 per 500sf of tasting room, restaurant, or bar gross floor area | 1 per 5,000sf GFA | 0.5 |
Broadcast/Recording Studio | 1 per 500sf GFA | Over 10,000sf GFA: 1 per 5,000sf GFA | |
Bus Terminal | 1 per 500sf GFA of terminal building | 1 per 2,500sf GFA | |
Campground | 1 per camp site | 1 per 2 campsites | |
Car Wash | 1 per car wash bay + 3 stacking spaces per bay | ||
Casino/Gaming Establishment | 1 per 200sf GFA | Over 10,000sf GFA: 1 per 5,000sf GFA | |
Catering Kitchen | 1 per 1,000sf GFA | ||
Cemetery | 1 per 20,000sf of GFA + 1 per 4 seats in chapel + 1 per 300sf of office | ||
Check Cashing Establishment | 1 per 300sf GFA | Over 10,000sf GFA: 1 per 2,500sf GFA | |
Community Center | 4 spaces + 1 per 300sf GFA over first 1,000sf | 1 per 2,500sf GFA | |
Construction & Demolition Debris Recycling Facility | 1 per 25,000sf GFA | ||
Contractor Storage Yard | 1 per 300sf GFA of office | ||
Convention Center | 1 per 200sf GFA | 1 per 5,000sf GFA | |
Country Club | Cumulative - determined by sum of requirements for all uses within development (golf course, driving range, restaurant, etc.) | Cumulative - determined by sum of requirements for all uses within development (golf course, driving range, restaurant, etc.) | |
Cultural Facility | 1 per 300sf GFA | 1 per 2,500sf GFA | |
Day Care Center, Adult or Child | 1 per 500sf GFA | 1 per 2,500sf GFA | 0.5 |
Dormitory | 1 per 4 rooms | 1 per 5 rooms | 0.8 |
Driving Range | 2 per tee stand | 1 per tee | |
Dwelling, Above the Ground Floor | 1 per dwelling unit | 1 per 5 dwellings | 0.8 |
Dwelling, Caretaker | 1 per dwelling unit | ||
Dwelling, Multi-Family | 1 per dwelling unit | 1 per 5 dwellings | 0.8 |
Dwelling, Single-Family | 1 per dwelling unit | ||
Dwelling, Townhouse | 1 per dwelling unit | ||
Dwelling, Two-Family | 1 per dwelling unit | ||
Educational Facility, Primary | 1 per classroom | 3 per classroom | |
Educational Facility, Secondary | 4 per classroom + 1 per 500sf GFA of office | 1 per 5,000sf GFA | |
Educational Facility, University | 1 per 4,000sf GFA | 1 per 5,000sf GFA | 0.5 |
Educational Facility, Vocational | 1 per 4,000sf GFA | 1 per 5,000sf GFA | 0.5 |
Employment Services | 1 per 200sf GFA (indoor area only) | Over 10,000sf GFA: 1 per 2,500sf GFA | |
Financial Institution | 1 per 500sf GFA + 3 stacking spaces per drive-through lane | 1 per 5,000sf GFA | |
Flea Market | 1 per 500sf GFA | Over 10,000sf GFA: 1 per 2,500sf GFA | |
Food Processing | 1 per 1,000sf GFA | Over 10,000sf GFA: 1 per 5,000sf GFA | |
Fraternity/Sorority | 1 per 4 rooms | 1 per 5 rooms | 0.8 |
Freight Terminal | 1 per 1,000sf GFA of terminal building | 1 per 5,000sf GFA | 0.5 |
Funeral Home | 1 per 4 seats in chapel + 1 per 300sf of office | Over 10,000sf GFA: 1 per 2,500sf GFA | |
Gas Station | 2 per pumpĀ + 1 per 500sf of retail area + 2 per service bay of accessory motor vehicle service and repair + 4 stacking spaces for car wash bay | ||
Golf Course | 4 per hole | 1 per 2 holes | |
Government Offices | 1 per 500sf GFA | 1 per 5,000sf GFA | 0.5 |
Health Club | 1 per 500sf GFA | Over 10,000sf GFA: 1 per 2,500sf GFA | |
Heavy Sales, Rental & Service | 1 per 300sf GFA of indoor area + 1 per 1,000sf of outdoor sales & display area | Over 10,000sf GFA: | |
Horse Stables | 1 per 4 stalls | ||
Hospital | 1 per room | 1 per 25 rooms | 0.5 |
Hotel/Motel | 0.5 per room | 1 per 5 rooms | |
Kennel | 1 per 500sf office GFA | ||
Live Performance Venue | 1 per 200sf GFA | 1 per 2,500sf GFA | |
Manufacturing, Artisan-Related | 1 per studio | 1 per 2 studios | 0.5 |
Manufacturing, Light | 1 per 1,000sf GFA | 1 per 5,000sf GFA | 0.5 |
Manufacturing, Heavy | 1 per 1,000sf GFA | 1 per 5,000sf GFA | 0.5 |
Manufacturing, Maritime-Dependent | 1 per 1,000sf GFA | 1 per 5,000sf GFA | 0.5 |
Mardi Gras Den | 1 per 10,000sf GFA of warehouse space + 1 per 500sf GFA of office | 1 per 5,000sf GFA | 0.5 |
Marina, Recreational | 1 per 2 slips | 1 per 4 slips | |
Additional uses within the recreational marina (restaurant, bar, etc.): | Cumulative - determined by sum of requirements for each uses within development | ||
Marina, Commercial | 1 per 2 slips | 1 per 4 slips | |
Marine Terminal | 1 per 1,000sf GFA of land-based terminal area | 1 per 5,000sf GFA | 0.5 |
Medical/Dental Clinic | 1.5 per exam room | 1 per 2 exam rooms | 0.5 |
Micro-brewery, micro-distillery | 1 per 1,000sf GFA + 1 per 500sf of tasting room, restaurant, or bar gross floor area | 1 per 5,000sf GFA | 0.5 |
Mini-Warehouse | 1 per 25 storage units | ||
Motor Vehicle Service & Repair, Minor or Major | 2 spaces per service bay | ||
Motor Vehicle Operations Facility | 1 per 3,000sf GFA | ||
Motor Vehicle Dealership | 1 per 500sf GFA of indoor sales and display area | ||
Motor Vehicle Rental Establishment | 1 per 500sf GFA (indoor area only; indoor vehicle storage excluded) | ||
Movie Studio | 1 per 2,000sf GFA | 1 per 5,000sf GFA | 0.5 |
Nursery | 1 per 500sf GFA including any outdoor sales and display area | 1 per 5,000sf GFA | |
Office | 1 per 500sf GFA | 1 per 5,000sf GFA | 0.5 |
Outdoor Storage Yard | 1 per 300sf GFA of office | ||
Passenger Terminal | 1 per 200sf GFA of terminal building | 1 per 5,000sf GFA | 0.25 |
Permanent Supportive Housing | 0.5 per dwelling unit | ||
Personal Service Establishment | 1 per 500sf GFA | Over 10,000sf GFA: 1 per 5,000sf GFA | 0.5 |
Pet Day Care Center | 1 per 500sf GFA (indoor area only) | Over 10,000sf GFA: 1 per 5,000sf GFA | 0.5 |
Places of Worship Single-Family & Two-Family Districts: | 1 per 4 seats or 1 per 30sf, whichever is greater | 1 per 5,000sf GFA | |
Places of Worship Other Districts: | 1 per 8 seats or 1 per 60sf, whichever is greater | 1 per 5,000sf GFA | |
Printing Establishment | 1 per 500sf GFA | 1 per 5,000sf GFA | 0.5 |
Prison | 1 per 20 cells | 1 per 40 cells | 0.5 |
Public Works and Safety Facility | 1 per 500sf GFA of office | 1 per 5,000sf GFA | 0.5 |
Reception Facility | 1 per 250sf of GFA | Over 10,000sf GFA: 1 per 2,500sf GFA | 0.5 |
Rehabilitation Center | 1 per 2 rooms | 1 per 4 rooms | 0.5 |
Research & Development | 1 per 300sf GFA | 1 per 5,000sf GFA | 0.5 |
Residential Care Facility | To be calculated on the type of facility or combination of facilities provided below + 2 per 1,000sf GFA of office | 1 per 5,000sf GFA | 0.5 |
Assisted Living Facility | .5 per dwelling unit | ||
Independent Living Facility | 1 per dwelling unit | ||
Nursing Home | .25 per bed | ||
Restaurant, Carry-Out | 1 per 500sf GFA + 3 stacking spaces per drive-through lane | 1 per 2,500sf GFA | |
Restaurant, Fast Food | 1 per 500sf GFA + 3 stacking spaces per drive-through lane | 1 per 2,500sf GFA | |
Restaurant, Specialty | 1 per 500sf GFA + 3 stacking spaces per drive-through lane | 1 per 2,500sf GFA | |
Restaurant, Standard | 1 per 500sf GFA | 1 per 2,500sf GFA | |
Retail Goods Establishment | 1 per 500sf GFA | 1 per 5,000sf GFA | 0.5 |
Rooming House | 1 per 4 rooms | 1 per 4 rooms | 0.8 |
Salvage Yard | 1 per 20,000sf GFA | ||
Separation/Recovery Facilities | 1 per 1,000sf GFA | ||
Shipyard | 1 per 500sf GFA of office + 1 per 10,000sf of land-based shipyard area | ||
Retail Shopping Center Less than 500,000sf GFA: | 1 per 500GFA | 1 per 5,000sf GFA | 0.5 |
Retail Shopping Center 500,000sf or more GFA: | 1 per 250GFA | 1 per 5,000sf GFA | 0.5 |
Short Term Rental, Accessory | see applicable dwelling type | ||
Short Term Rental, Commercial | 1 space per 2 guestrooms | 1 per 5 rooms | 0.25 |
Social Club or Lodge | 1 per 500sf GFA | Over 10,000sf GFA: 1 per 2,500sf GFA | 0.5 |
Stadium | 1 per 200sf GFA | 1 per 5,000sf GFA | 0.25 |
T-Shirt Shop | 1 per 500sf GFA | Over 10,000sf GFA: 1 per 2,500sf GFA | |
Tattoo Parlor | 1 per 500sf GFA | Over 10,000sf GFA: 1 per 2,500sf GFA | |
Truck Repair | 3 truck spaces per service bay + 2 vehicle spaces per service bay | ||
Truck Stop | 1 truck space per 5,000sf GFA | ||
Truck Stop Additional uses | Additional uses within the truck stop (retail, restaurant, etc.): Cumulative - determined by sum of requirements for each uses within development | ||
Truck Terminal | 1 per 5,000sf GFA | ||
Warehouse | 1 per 20,000sf GFA of warehouse space + 2 per 1,000sf GFA of office | Over 10,000sf GFA: 1 per 5,000sf GFA | 0.5 |
Wholesale Goods Establishment | 1 per 20,000sf GFA of warehouse space + 2 per 1,000sf GFA of office | Over 10,000sf GFA: 1 per 5,000sf GFA | 0.5 |
Winery | 1 per 500sf of tasting room area | Over 10,000sf GFA: 1 per 5,000sf GFA | 0.5 |
Winery Additional uses | Additional uses within the winery (restaurant, retail, etc.): Cumulative - determined by sum of requirements for each uses within development |
Table 22-1: Off-Street Vehicle and Bicycle Parking Requirements
The parking requirements shown here are the typical required parking standards for the city of New Orleans. Variance or exclusions to the parking count requirements could be allowed by the code for a specific project. The city of New Orleans parking requirements are for general information. The New Orleans standard parking requirements for an area can be modified by zoning overlays or other New Orleans parking code requirements specific to each project.