Birmingham Parking Requirements
Principal Use Required Parking Spaces | Required Parking Spaces |
Dwelling, single family, manufactured, home, and two-family; 1,500 sf or less living area | 1 per DU |
Dwelling, single family, manufactured, home, and two-family; 1,501 or more sf living area | 2 per DU |
Dwelling: Townhouse No common parking areas available and all parking provided on individual lots | 1 per DU |
Dwelling, multi-family:1 BR | 1 per DU |
Dwelling, multi-family:2 or more BR | 1.5 per DU |
Dwelling, multi-family:Boarding or rooming house | 1 per 3 residents |
Dwelling, multi-family:Dormitory | 1 per 2 residents |
Dwelling, multi-family:Fraternity or sorority | 1 per resident member |
Dwelling, multi-family:Communal Living Facility (not otherwise specified) | 1 per 2 sleeping rooms |
Place of Worship | 1 per 6 seats in the main sanctuary |
Child or adult care facility:Family day/night care home | None, except as required for dwelling |
Child or adult care facility:Family group day/night care home | 3 inclusive of required spaces for dwelling |
Adult or child care center | A minimum of 1 per employee plus 1 per 6 adult patrons or 1 per 6 enrolled children |
Childcare as An Accessory Use | No additional parking required, however, primary use parking requirements must be met. |
School: kindergarten, elementary, middle, or junior high | 1 per classroom |
School: high school | 1 per 6 classroom seats. Any overflow parking needed for a stadium use shall be pervious. |
Scientific testing, research lab or medical lab | 1 per 500 sf of GFA |
School: college, university, business college, or technical college classroom building | 1 per 6 seats per classroom at design capacity plus 1 per 400 sf of GFA of office area within each building plus additional spaces as may be required for other uses conducted within the same building. |
Hospital | 1 per four beds |
Nursing, rehabilitation, convalescent | 1 per beds at licensed capacity |
Library or museum | 1 per 300 sf of GFA |
Post office | 1 per 500 sf of GFA plus 1 per postal delivery vehicle |
Police or fire station | 1 per 400 sf of GFA |
Auditorium or other public assembly hall or facility | 1 per 3 persons at occupancy load or 1 per 3 fixed seats, whichever is greater. |
Public or semi-public facility (not otherwise specified) | 1 per 300 of GFA |
Commercial amusement center, indoor | 1 per 100 sf of GFA |
Gymnasium, stadium, arena | 1 per 5 fixed seats |
Golf: Standard course | 3 per hole |
Golf: Stand-alone driving range | 1 per 2 tees |
Miniature or par three golf | 3 per hole |
Theater, movie, or performing arts | 1 per 5 seats or seating spaces |
Fitness Center and recreation center | 1 per 200 sf of GFA plus required parking for other facilities specified in this table |
Park and outdoor recreation/amusement, including racetracks | 1 per 5 fixed seats used for spectators, picnic tables, and other facilities requiring seating plus required parking for other facilities specified in this table. |
Tennis, racquetball, handball, or basketball court | 3 per court except basketball courts within a gymnasium shall meet the parking space requirement for a gymnasium |
Skating rink | 1 per 100 sf of rink area |
Pool hall or bingo hall | 3 per alley |
Event center | 1 per 100 sf of GFA |
Indoor Recreation (not otherwise specified) | 1 per 200 sf of GFA of enclosed area |
Large appliance or machinery sales or service, building supplies store, home improvement center, hardware store, furniture store or repair shop, upholstery shop, carpet sales, electronics repair and similar sales or servicing | 1 per 500 sf of GFA plus 1 per company vehicl |
Hotel or motel | 1 per 2 guest rooms plus additional required spaces for restaurant, night club, retail stores, personal service establishments, offices, and assembly rooms, as required elsewhere in this table. |
Restaurant including restaurants with drivein/drive-through | 1 per 100 sf of GFA plus 4 stacking spaces per each drivethrough order window or pickup window |
Dance studio | 1 per 250 sf of GFA |
Night club, tavern, dance hall, brew pub or bar | 1 per 100 sf of GFA |
Office, business or professional (not otherwise specified) | 1 per 400 sf of GFA |
Bed and breakfast inn (Historic bed and breakfast inn included) | 1 per guest room plus 2 for the permanent residents |
Bank or financial institution | 1 per 400 sf of GFA plus 4 stacking spaces per drivethrough window. |
Barber shop, beauty shop, manicurist, spa, or other personal service establishment | 1 per 300 sf of GFA |
Funeral home | 1 per 150 sf of GFA |
Medical or dental clinic or office | 1 per 400 sf of GFA |
Veterinary clinic or office, including animal boarding facility, animal daycare | 1 per 400 sf of GFA, excluding GFA of kennels |
Car wash | 2 stacking spaces per bay |
Vehicle service, repair, or body shop including light truck repair | 1 per 500 sf of GFA ( Service bay spaces shall not be counted as parking spaces) |
Express vehicle maintenance, quick-lube, and similar vehicle services | 1 per 500 sf of GFA plus 2 stacking spaces per bay (Service bay spaces shall not be counted as parking spaces) |
Laundromat | 1 per 300 sf of GFA |
Vehicle and equipment sales including recreational and heavy equipment sales and service (all required spaces shall be identified as customer parking) | 1 Per 500 sf of GFA |
Helipad | 3 Spaces per helicopter owned or operated |
General retail business or service establishment (not otherwise specified) | 1 per 300 sf of GFA |
General industry, assembly, manufacturing and manufacturing specialized or similar establishment. Also included Urban farms (indoor and outdoor), contractor yard, dairy factory, distillery (including artisanal), brewery and micro-brewery, utility buildings, power plants and wastewater treatment plants. | 1 per 1000 sf of GFA plus 1 per 400 sf of office area. For uses that have a tasting room included (i.e., brewery, microbrewery) the requirement for these areas are 1 per 100 sf of GFA. |
Printing and publishing, plumbing, electrical, or similar trade shop | 1 per 500 sf of GFA |
Warehousing, including office warehouse, wholesaling, and shipping | Warehousing, including office warehouse, wholesaling, and shipping |
Title 1 – Zoning Ordinance
Chapter 5: Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations
Table of Required Off-Street Parking Spaces

The parking requirements shown here are the typical required parking standards for the city of Birmingham. Variance or exclusions to the parking count requirements could be allowed by the code for a specific project. The city of Birmingham parking requirements are for general information. The Birmingham standard parking requirements for an area can be modified by zoning overlays or other Birmingham parking code requirements specific to each project.