Anchorage Parking Requirements
Single Family Dwellings | Two parking spaces are required for each dwelling unit up to 1,800 square feet. |
Single Family Dwellings | Three parking spaces are required for each dwelling unit over 1,800 square feet, including any unfinished area which may be converted to living area. |
Multi-family dwellings | One and one-fourth parking spaces are required for each efficiency unit. |
Multi-family dwellings | One and one-half parking spaces are required for each one-bedroom unit. |
Multi-family dwellings | One and one-half parking spaces are required for each two-bedroom unit, 800 square feet or less. |
Multi-family dwellings | One and three-fourths parking spaces are required for each two-bedroom unit, over 800 square feet. |
Multi-family dwellings | One and three-fourths parking spaces are required for each three-bedroom unit, 900 square feet or less. |
Multi-family dwellings | Two and one-half parking spaces are required for each three-bedroom unit, over 900 square feet. |
Roominghouses and boardinghouses | One parking space is required for every two guestrooms. |
Hotels | One parking space is required for every guestroom. The total number of required parking spaces for hotels need not exceed this amount. |
Motels | One parking space is required for every guestroom. |
Auditoriums, churches, synagogues, dance halls, exhibition halls, skating rinks, theaters and other places of public assembly | 1. One parking space is required for every four seats in the principal auditorium or assembly room. 2. Parking space requirements for auditoriums and assembly rooms without fixed seating shall be based on the ratio set out in subsection 1 of this subsection computed on the maximum capacity under the provisions of the Uniform Building Code. |
Hospital | One parking space is required for every two beds, based on maximum capacity. |
Health Services | One parking space is required for every 250 square feet of gross building area. |
Health care facilities except hospitals | One parking space is required for every four beds, based upon maximum capacity. |
Facilities for elderly, disabled and handicapped | The area set aside for off-street parking shall be in compliance with subsection 3 of this subsection; provided that, if the facility is used exclusively for the housing of the elderly, disabled or handicapped, the zoning board of examiners and appeals may allow a portion of the area reserved for off-street parking to be landscaped if the board finds that the landscaping is suitable and is in the best interests of the residents of the neighborhood. |
Retail Shopping Centers: For centers having a gross leasable area of 25,000 to 400,000 square feet: Note 2 , 3 | 4.0 spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross leasable area. |
Retail Shopping Centers For centers having a gross leasable area of over 600,000 square feet: Note 2 , 3 | 5.0 spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross leasable area. |
Shopping Centers - Cinemas. | Shopping centers with 100,000 to 200,000 square feet of gross leasable area having cinemas with up to 450 seats, and centers with over 200,000 square feet of gross leasable area having cinemas with up to 750 seats, can be accommodated without providing parking spaces in addition to those imposed by the overall parking indices. Cinemas having more than this number of seats, or cinemas located at centers of less than 100,000 square feet of gross leasable area, require three additional parking spaces per 100 seats. |
Shopping Centers - Food services. | Where food services occupy up to ten percent of the total gross leasable area of shopping centers with 100,000 square feet or less, or up to five percent of the total gross leasable area of shopping centers larger than 100,000 square feet, the parking requirements, in addition to the overall parking indices, are as follows: a. A shopping center with more than 25,000 and less than 100,000 square feet of total gross leasable area requires an additional ten parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of food service tenant area. b. A shopping center having 100,000 but no more than 200,000 square feet of total gross leasable area requires an additional 6.0 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of food service tenant area. c. A shopping center having 200,000 but no more than 600,000 square feet of total gross leasable area requires no additional parking spaces for food services. d. A shopping center with over 600,000 square feet of gross leasable area can reduce the parking required by the overall parking indices by four spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross leasable area devoted to food services. |
Shopping Centers | 6. Reduction of requirements when bus passenger spaces are provided. For every space provided for transit bus passenger boarding and alighting approved by the traffic engineer, the parking space requirement is reduced by 30 spaces. |
Food stores and grocery stores | 1. For a gross building area of 4,000 square feet and less, one parking space is required for each 300 square feet. |
Food stores and grocery stores | 2. For a gross building area of 4,001 square feet and more, one parking space is required for each 200 square feet. |
Repairing garages and gasoline service stations | Four parking spaces are required for each bay, provided that all vehicles in the custody of the operator of the business for the purpose of service, repair or storage shall be stored on the premises or on a separate off-street parking lot or building. |
Restaurant, bars, lounges and nightclubs | One parking is required space for every three seats. Parking space requirements for such facilities without fixed seating shall be based on maximum capacity under the provisions of the Uniform Building Code. |
Bowling alleys | Four parking spaces are required for each bowling lane. |
Other retail establishments | One parking space is required for every 300 square feet of gross building area. |
Offices | One parking space is required for every 300 square feet of gross building area. |
Warehouse and storage buildings | One parking space is required for every 1,000 square feet of gross building area. |
Industrial and manufacturing establishments | One parking space is required for every 400 square feet of gross building area, or one parking space for every employee for that work shift having the greatest number of employees, whichever results in the larger number of parking spaces. |
Mini storage buildings | One parking stall is required for each ten units. |
Elementary, including public and private schools | One parking space for every 50 square feet of floor area in the multipurpose room. |
Junior high and high schools | One parking space is required for every six seats in the main auditorium or assembly room, or three parking spaces for every classroom plus one parking space for each staff member or employee, whichever is greater. |
Colleges, universities or business colleges | One parking space is required for every 300 square feet of enclosed floorspace, or one parking space for every three classroom seats, whichever is greater. |
Gymnasiums and Health clubs | One parking space is required for every 300 square feet of gross floor area. |
Banks and drive-through banks | One parking space is required for every 300 square feet of gross floor area. |
Family care | No additional parking is required above the dwelling requirement. |
Family residential care | One space above the dwelling requirement is required for establishments with more than five children. |
Preschool, day care or child care facility, 24-hour | One space is required per 400 square feet gross building area, and one additional space, reserved for pickup and delivery of children, per 800 square feet of gross building area. |
Other uses | In the case of a use not specifically identified in this section, off-street parking facilities shall be the same as the use described in this section which is most similar. |
Community and Local Interest towers | Off-street parking space is not required, however if it is provided, parking spaces may be shared with other principal uses on the site. |
Correctional Community Residential Centers | A center shall provide one off-street parking space per each full-time staff member, based on the maximum anticipated staffing. |
Motorized sports facilities | A motorized sports facility shall provide one parking space for every two spectator seats in a structure such as a grandstand, stadium and the alike or one parking space for every 2,000 square feet of site area whichever results in the greater number of parking spaces. |
Anchorage, Alaska - Code of Ordinances TITLE 21 - LAND USE PLANNING Chapter 21.45 - SUPPLEMENTARY DISTRICT REGULATIONS 21.45.080 - Off-street parking requirements.
Note-2. "Gross leasable area" defined. For purposes of this subsection, gross leasable area shall include the gross square footage leased to tenants within the shopping center, but shall not include common areas, administration offices, storage, equipment rooms, common bathrooms, hallways or other areas not included within the leased premises.
Note 3. Calculations to determine the amount of parking for office uses which are in excess of ten percent of the total gross leasable area of the shopping center shall be based on the increment of office space in excess of the permitted ten percent threshold, and shall be determined by the following formula: ((GLA of Office Space - GLA of (10% X retail space))/350 square feet
The parking requirements shown here are the typical required parking standards for the city of Anchorage. There could be variance or exclusions to the parking count requirements allowed by the code for a specific project. The city of Anchorage parking requirements are for general information. The Anchorage standard parking requirements for an area can be modified by zoning overlays or other Anchorage parking code requirements specific to each project.